ux process . discovery . competitive analysis

Competitive Analysis

The competitive analysis mission is a UX step to gather quantitative and qualitative information on competitors and their products. If you can thoroughly study this data, you will be able to change your product design strategy and make the best of it.

In order for your competitor analysis to be effective, it must include the following elements:

  • Market overview, including general information about your competitors (products and services, price points, market share, target markets, etc.) You can gather information from stakeholders about their competitors during the stakeholder interviews.
  • User demographics to know who is the target audience for their product and create a user persona
  • Product Features: Pay special attention here to any features that are unique to certain companies.
  • Competitors use branding, language, and visual design for their products.

This will help you determine where you can showcase your product and offer potential growth opportunities. Has a particular software company's market share shrunk in recent years? If this is the case, why is it happening, and who is picking it up? With the right marketing and features, can you reach this user base?

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